Aurora (AUtomated Response On Request Application) is a voice
activation program that aims to simplify use of your Android
device via voice commands. With Aurora, you can perform everyday
activities on your Android device by simply telling Aurora to do
them for you. For example, you could have Aurora email somebody
by simply saying "Aurora, Email Mitchell Augustin," or you could
have her call somebody by saying "Aurora, call Mitchell
Augustin, mobile." Not only does Aurora offer great assistance
to you by performing system tasks on command, but she can also
answer questions on many topics! For example, you could ask
Aurora about the height of Mt. Everest, what the chemical
formula of water is, what the square root of 100 is, and much,
much more. Aurora is also great at finding restaurants based on
your preferences. With help from Yelp, Aurora can find and show
information on many restaurants in your area.
-Aurora can now be activated when you hold the home button
-Bug fixes
-Added Aurora for Home Automation support
-Bug fixes
-Added passive recognition ("Hey, Aurora")
-Bug fixes
-Aurora's first birthday update (Released on May 4th,
2016). Happy Birthday, Aurora!
-Bug fixes
-Bug fixes
-Bug fixes
-Added device independent speech synthesizer
-Added EULA to first launch
-Bug fixes
-Added Weather Underground API
-Added "say" command (Aurora repeats the specified
-Floating icon can now be moved without launching Aurora
-Google results now appear within Aurora
-Added transparency to API logos
-Conversational improvements
-Bug fixes
-Added welcome note and privacy disclaimer on first
-Redesigned Wolfram|Alpha response
-Bug fixes
-Aurora Interpreter v2 is now the officially
supported interpreter program
-Removed support for v1 interpreter
-Added settings menu option to show debugger output
-Bug fixes
-Conversational improvements
-Bug fixes
-Conversational improvements
-Fixed an error with Yelp that prevented it from
returning restaurant info due to auth issues
-Bug fixes
-Launch command
-Repaired major issues with calling, texting, and
e-mailing (Partial names can now be used)
-Added profanity filter
-Removed Aurora's icon from the status bar when the
ongoing notification is enabled
-Bug fixes
-Redesigned layout to act more like a dialog overlay
-Added distances to restaurant info from Yelp
-Repaired Wolfram|Alpha response generation
-Bug fixes
-Added ability to send tweets on Twitter by saying
"Tweet [Message]"
-Bug fixes
-Added ability to send requests to the server
anonymously for debugging
-Newly redesigned interpreter algorithm
(Conversation is more accurate)
-Added user knowledge base (Device level only, not
accessable by outside sources)
-Added spell command
-Added more conversions (Currency, weight, etc.)
-Added Wolfram|Alpha integration for unknown questions
-Added Yelp integration for restaurants and businesses
-Activation methods now launch on startup (Floating
icon, notification)
-Bug fixes
-Sound profile command
-Custom alarm labels
-Aurora will now ask to Google unknown requests
-New action bar icons (visible in holo dark theme)
-Bug fixes
-New user interface
-More effecient onStop method
-Bug fixes
-Where am I command
-Read most recent text command
-Fixed errors with alarm and timer
-Fixed errors with speech cut off on new activities
-Bug fixes
-Fixed errors in Aurora's destructor
-Fixed errors in YouTube search command
-Fixed errors with calling and texting
-New icon
-Bug fixes
-Temperature conversions
-Fixed alarm setting bugs
-Added white background to command list widget
-Bug fixes