Mitchell Augustin Official Website About Me Projects Archives
About Me
Mitchell Augustin

My name is Mitchell Augustin, and I am a software engineer based in the Greater St. Louis area with a focus on operating system development. I am currently employed by Canonical as an engineer in the Nvidia squad of their Partner Engineering organization, where I work directly with Nvidia to enable and optimize Ubuntu for Nvidia's Grace and DGX server hardware. I received my M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue in December of 2023 and my B.S. in Computer Science from Purdue in December of 2022. I am currently spending most of my free time working on various different projects, the majority of which can be found on my projects page. Lately, I have really enjoyed developing utility software that makes my day-to-day tasks as a CS student more manageable, such as Spiral, my free-form notetaking software. My interest in Computer Science has existed for as long as I can remember. I began learning about web design and scripting when I was seven, and I quickly moved on to writing desktop software around age ten when I started learning Java. Since then, I have created a plethora of different applications for various platforms, which have collectively acquired several thousand users. You can find out more information about my current projects on my projects page. If you would like to read about some of my older projects that I no longer maintain, check out my archives page. If you would like more detailed information about my experience, check out my resume below.
